Google+ Peter and Kira Jay: Blessing

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Adlee was blessed at church last Sunday by her dad. My parents came for the weekend and Pete's Parents were here for a week. It was really fun having our parents here. Our friends that we made through the dance studio, the Jacksons, Ruthelle, Phillip and Steve all attended Adlee's blessing and came over for lunch afterward. It was a really nice day filled with family, friends and good food! We felt very loved! Adlee sitting in her car seat after her blessing. We had to take the dress off to buckle her in because of all the material. I love her dress! My mom bought it for her several months before she was born.

Our little family. It was really hot and humid outside so I look gross. Note to self not to do hair straight when taking pictures in humid weather.
Adlee with Grandma and Grandpa Jay
Adlee with Grandma and Grandpa Wilcken
I love this picture of my mom with Adlee
These are our friends/Alabama parents Steve & Jackie Jackson
Friends and Family who were visitors for Adlee's blessing

1 comment:

Kim Wilcken said...

I don't remember your blessing day Kira but I do remember the day your mom brought you home from the hospital. I couldn't come in and hold you because I was sick with a cold. (run down from having a new baby of my own...Matt) I remember peeking through the window of your mom and dad's apartment just to get a look at you.
It's so fun to see your family grow. A beautiful daughter, a beautiful dress, a beautiful day!