Google+ Peter and Kira Jay: May 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Birthdays and other stuff

Pete and I have birthdays that are 8 days apart. Pete turned the big 30 this year! I had two of his friends take him golfing for the afternoon while me and a friend decorated our apartment. After golfing they met us for dinner. Then we went back to our apartment where a bunch of friends were there to surprise him. I was pleased that he was actually surprised and that I didn't spill the surprise ahead of time. It was really hard to keep a secret!

This is my ice cream cake. I wanted a mint chocolate chip ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins but they don't have Baskin Robbins here! I was bummed so I settled for one from Cold Stone...still good but not the same. We didn't have a 7 candle so Pete got creative with the candles we did have. We went out to eat at my favorite restaurant PF Changs up in Birmingham on my birthday! It was super yummy!!!

Pete with his German Chocolate cake at his surprise party.

Some of the people that were at his party.

Pete enjoying golf.

The pictures below are all random pictures taken over the last few months since I have neglected our blog. I need to be a better blogger and update more often. Maybe I will post more when the baby comes and we have something interesting to post about.

This was at the tea party we went to on tax day. They had really delicious pork sausage dogs for free. I'm not telling how many I ate!

We went to the park to have lunch and play bocce ball with our friend's the Batteen's about 6 weeks ago. While there Pete broke his finger catching a football. He has been wearing a splint on it ever since. The picture above is before the finger incident. Pete took our dog through the water fountain.
This is Pete and Mila after they went through the fountain. Pete liked it but Mila hated it!

Over Spring Break we went on a hike out by Holt lake. These pictures are from the hike. We stopped and had a picnic by a creek and let Mila run free. She had fun running through the water and chasing sticks.
Pete kept throwing her progressively bigger sticks. This is the biggest one she chased and dragged around. It was really funny to watch her carry a stick 4x her size.

2 1/2 Weeks Left!

We are excitedly awaiting the arrival of our baby girl! We can't wait for her to get here! We finally decided on a name but are waiting to announce it when she arrives.
Her nursery is almost all the way put together. We would like to get a rocking chair/glider of some sort before she comes. I'll put up some pictures of her room when it is finished.
This is a current picture of me at 37 weeks pregnant. My mom is coming on May 28th and she wants the baby to hold out till then so we will see if baby cooperates with grandma! I have had a good pregnancy so far and I am still not too uncomfortable. I feel really lucky!