Google+ Peter and Kira Jay: Couponing

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I don't know if anyone really reads my blog any more since i'm so inconsistent at posting.
I've been considering trying couponing but feel a little overwhelmed by it. Does anyone do this and have any advice?


Rebecca said...

My only caution to this is if you are wanting to eat healthy be careful not to just use a coupon just cause you have it...Use them only for things you actually buy! I also watch for coupons on things that I can use in food storage, but not necessarily my every day life. Good luck with couponing! For the most part I don't have the patience for it, but occasionally I will use one here and there. Most coupons for food are for things that are not healthy for you so be careful! That's my two cents! I love you!

Alexandria said...

I don't even know what that is....but I read & enjoy your blog:)

Tay and Teigan said...

I want to start but get really overwhelmed too. So let me know if you find something that works for you!

KimH said... has some great coupons. Also if you have a Kroger up your way, you can go on their website and automatically load coupons onto your Kroger card then you don't have to bring coupons with you. I like to clip coupons from and the newspaper then match them up with items that are on sale in the circular for the grocery store I'm going to... double savings!

I also usually go to sites like

they list a lot of freebies and deals that you can get at stores and online. It takes the guess work out of it and they also have printable coupons. I never pay for shampoo, DO, or toothpaste because I get samples in the mail or the websites tell me how to get it for free. I have also gotten baby formula, rain x wipes, peanut butter, make-up, reusable bags, pet supplies, etc. all for free.

If you have a smartphone or iphone there is an app called amazing freebies that I found has some good freebies and deals on it. Also check out groupon.

If you go to a certain store or use a certain product you can usually sign up on their website to receive a eNewsletter or be apart of their rewards program. They will send you coupons by e-mail or mail and then if you have the rewards you can use those towards purchases or other products they offer. I'm on the babies r us rewards, best buy rewards, pampers rewards, huggies rewards and I signed up at enfamil and symilac and I will be getting a diaper bag full of goodies from each brand at the hospital when the baby is born plus they send me coupons and free formula samples. (I know you don't do formula, but it will save us since i'm not breastfeeding).

Just start slow and easy. You don't have to do it all at once, but you will get addicted to the great feeling of saving money.