This post is for Becca since she's wanted me to post a new blog forever and tagged me.
Two Names You Go By: Kira, Kiwi (nickname that only a few friends in high school called me)
Things You Are Wearing Right Now: My favorite pants from old navy and a pink shirt
Two Things You Want (or have) in a Relationship: Love, Laughing
Two of Your Favorite Things to Do: Dance/Workout, cook
Two Things You Did Last Night: Went to the Lodens and held their cute baby, returned a movie we rented from the box at Bruno's (I love $.99 movies!!)
Two People You Talked to Last Night: Mom, Dad
Two Things You're Doing Tomorrow: working, watching American Idol!
Two Longest Car Rides: Houston, TX to Provo, UT and Pleasant Grove,UT to Wisconsin and then down to Tuscaloosa, AL (20 something hours to Wisconsin and then over 12 to Alabama)
Two Favorite Holidays: Christmas, Valentine's Day
Two Favorite Drinks: Water, Rootbeer on occasion
Two Things About Me You May Not Have Known: I danced in the super bowl when it was in Houston and met some celebs (one of them being Steven Tyler from Aerosmith who kissed me on the cheek), I love Spain and visited after graduating from college
Two Jobs I Have Had in My Life: I've had a lot of jobs! Two random ones are Telemarketer for less than a month when I went to BYU and Personal Trainer at a gym in American Fork UT and Golds Gym (I loved working at the American Fork gym but Golds Gym bought it out and then I got a job at a Golds Gym and hated it! Golds Gym tries to steal people's money!)
Two Movies I Would Watch Over and Over: Depends on my mood: funny movie: napoleon or tommy boy or happy gilmore, I also like Empire Records or a Jane Austen movie: Sense and Sensibility or Pride and Prejudice
Two of My Favorite Foods: Ice Cream, Mexican Food
Two Places I'd Rather Be Right Now: On a Cruise with Pete or Traveling in Europe
I don't really know who to tag