Google+ Peter and Kira Jay: March 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Goose Egg :(

My poor baby is having a hard week. On Monday, she pulled some pans out of the cupboard in the kitchen and then slipped and hit her head on the corner of one metal pan with the most pressure on the corner of her eye. Her poor little eye was red and swollen. She cried for about 20 minutes and wanted to be comforted. It was so sad! :(
Today while we were making dinner she was standing up by the oven and slipped and hit her head on the corner right smack dab in the middle of her forehead. It looks awful, but luckily she only cried for a minute and then was laughing and playing again. I am afraid we may be in for many more accidents as she continues to try daring things without any fear and learns to walk.

Still smiling even though she's hurt

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Adlee talks constantly while eating. The end of the video is usually how she sounds the whole time she eats. When she is hungry she says "nummy num" She also says that while eating if she likes what she's having.
Adlee laughing at Mila. She just loves the dog!!!

My Valentine & Feb part 2

Here are some pictures of my sweet baby in her Valentine's outfit.

I forgot to rotate these before I uploaded them so they will have to be viewed with your head turned sideways.
I love this, she is always sticking her tongue out!

This one is my favorite!
Adlee loves to play with her daddy's guitar!

A video of Adlee.

Another one I forgot to rotate. Adlee enjoying her food!

Sleeping beauty

Eating a pear - Feb part 1

Adlee likes to get into EVERYTHING!!! Here she is pulling everything out of the diaper bag. She also found some deodorant.
Adlee chilling in the middle of the floor.

Happy baby wants the camera

I was eating a pear and Adlee crawled to me and decided she wanted to try it too. She sucked it to death!

Adlee and Mila frequently play tug of war with Mila's leash.


The last weekend in January we went to church in Springville for Ariel's farewell and Tom to be ordained an Elder. Everyone in Pete's family was there except for his older brother Rodney, his wife Melissa and their 2 kids, Nathan and Annika. (We missed them!) It was fun to spend a day with all the Jays and for Adlee to play with cousins!

Adlee and her cute little cousin all decked out in their Sunday best.
A sad attempt at a family picture.
Adlee with her cousin Maegan
Adlee and all her cousins with their great grandma Lola

Adlee's first time sledding

We met Pete's family at Rock Canyon Park in January to go sledding. Mila pulled Adlee and her cousin Gloria around in the baby sled.
Adlee going for a ride in the sled.
She just woke up from a nap. I think she would have been more excited if she was more awake.

Adlee loves strings and buttons

Family pic
Jennie & Gloria

Sleepy baby after sledding.

We woke up in the middle of the night to Adlee standing up in her crib for the first time in the beginning of January.

I love that she sticks her cute little bum up in the air when she sleeps!